I’m an internationally trained product strategist and life coach currently residing in Los Angeles, California though I call the world my home. I grew up all over the world, moving to seven different cities since I was a year old. I got my undergraduate degree from Bogazici University and my masters degree from NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP).
The genuine and curious interest I have in understanding what people value and need always serves me as a reminder that technology is just a tool. A powerful one, yet still a tool, to design solutions and experiences that enhance and add value to people’s lives. That is why I love tackling experience problems. The world is not a marketplace after all; it is a place people live in. And when you create experiences, you in fact create worlds in which people live in.
I care deeply about people and give back to my community by mentoring those who are at the beginning of their careers.
When I’m not designing experiences, you can find me at the beach, biking, rollerblading, at home puzzling or reading or at the PIT following my fear. I also love to travel and immerse myself in new cultures and experiences.
You can view my resume here. Feel free to email to collaborate with me or ask me any questions
“The world is not a marketplace after all; it is a place people live in.”
I believe in…
People. Design is more about people than technology. Technology is just a catalyst to communicate an experience.
Good Business and Good Design. Good business is good design.
Design Thinking. Relying too exclusively on analytical thinking produces small improvements to the status quo. Relying on design thinking makes room for real change and innovation.
Working Together. Business and design can go hand in hand. Decision makers (managers) can be designers (idea generators) and designers decision makers.
Details. They are the difference between mediocre and great work.
High Standards. And in trying to set the highest standards for design excellence and refusing to settle for unnecessary compromises.
My Truths...
I am a hungry person. Hunger is not just a physical condition; it encompass the soul as well.
I love creative, ambitious, gracious people with pink glasses and dirty hands.
I adjust and adapt quickly. Moving around has helped me do so.
I often wander outside my comfort zone.
I believe in truth, beauty, goodness, and unity.
I am a curious person mostly unrelated to the topic at hand. I get enthusiastic about what I do and am self motivated and determined. I love to learn new things.
I make mistakes. I learn from them. I can take criticism and I like it.
I write, I wander, I make.